SiteLock: 2nd Thoughts
Digital Safety: Like Safe Sex, but is it really safe? Following up SiteLock.
I thought I could forget about SiteLock and this even more so because I trust my web host which offered SiteLock as part of its services for my wordpress site. When they added VPN – “under the supervision of SiteLock” – I was delighted and thought from now on backup, security and VPN could be arranged through my host and I could just forget about it. Still, having learnt one or two things about promises and hopes I started searching for reviews of SiteLock and VPN under the guidance of SiteLock. I was more than surprised to find next to an abundance of positive – sponsored? – reviews a considerable load of extremely critical statements. The main gist of the criticisms centered around the accusation of manipulation of customers’ sites. I will cite here only 2 sites addressing serious critical thoughts about SiteLock:
When I alerted my web host to this criticism he was surprised and told me they had never had any problems with working with SiteLock during the last 10 years. Nevertheless, I asked to be disconnected from SiteLock and decided to organise my needs for security from outside my web host’s link to SiteLock. I still trust my web host and I want to emphasise that I find them excellent. This does not mean I should ignore what I have been finding on the net about SiteLock.