Fragments Orpheus. Antidote. Orpheus could make stones weep with his music. Fly a drone over Raqqa, play Bob Dylan and offer free exchange of a gun for a...
Fragments A life’s heartbeats. The heart is a muscle but a muscles with a certain number of autonomous beats … all heart beats together are what we call an individual’s life of earth. A first visitor to the moon had a funny theory which he believed in:...
Fragments Light without Eyes to see Light was there long before anyone could see what it made visible. Evolution needed to create eyes. Only eyes can see what light shines on. Without eyes all the light is for nothing. If you follow the Bible you might...
Fragments Paradox Wer die Dinge ernst nimmt, hört auf zu schreiben. Wie kann man schreibend aufhören zu schreiben? If you take things seriously you stop writing. How can one stop writing from within writing? ...
Fragments Human Life If the universe is 14 billion years old and will last another 5 billion years, a current human life occupies when things go reasonably well 80 years in between the two figures....