Mojacar Blues

Mojacar Blues

Lyrics   Mojacar Blues (For Anthony, 6.4.1999)   It takes timeto learnto sing the Blues. It takes timeto learnits bitter-sweet chords and melodies. One day,so my dream,when the Blues sets in, We unpackour instrumentsin the middle of Mojacar Which...
You Get Over It

You Get Over It

Lyrics   You Get Over It   When you hit the wall When you hang on the cliff When you think “Thats it” When you think It is all gone and over Wait a moment Hang on in there For another moment And still another one … See … its quite funny There comes the Monk...
Victorious Bull

Victorious Bull

Lyrics   Victorious Bull   They had not payed attention to him They let him see their practices They thought he was too young and a bit stupid Good canon fodder But no menace Not worth bothering Or sending him for further training He saw them practicing...
Sorry Says The Spider

Sorry Says The Spider

Lyrics   Sorry says the Spider   So goes life You nit your web You need food You spin away All day All night You are busy You are cunning You are skilled You are hungry Sorry for the fly Sorry for the moth Trapped in the net This most beautiful killing field...
John Fahey Used To Come Here

John Fahey Used To Come Here

Lyrics   John Fahey Used To Come Here   A clown rather than a serious musician But what a clown Never hesitated to play too simple To shy away from major chords and arpegios Never hesitated to disregard any rules of how to be a cool dude How to do some funky...