Camera Bags

Camera Bags

Perspectives   Camera Bags Yes, protection of the gear is very important. Against bumps, falls, accidentally bad handling and rain. Yes, size and the right amount of space and divisions is very important. Yes, aesthetics are also important, depending on your...


Perspectives   Camera Straps Leica has the best straps. Why? They are light, unobtrusive, their length can be manipulated, they hold the camera well in place, they do not interfere excessively with one’s hands and fingers, and they have the most ingenious system...
Black & White

Black & White

Perspectives   Black & White One has to learn to see and think in colours. The same applies to black & white. Just one interesting and important detail: When shooting in black & white, one can totally forget about disturbing or “wrong”...
Travel Photography

Travel Photography

Perspectives   Travel Photography   Travel photography has some very tricky problems. The time of the day is perhaps the one which gives the biggest headache. I remember arriving at Monument Valley, around 6:30 in the morning where light was still good,...